

How much importance do we ever give to any question posed?

How well do we encounter a question?

What really is a question?

When a fact is arranged in the format of a question how do we react to it?

Do we like to ask questions or answer them?

If you had an ounce of curiosity or a pinch of an answer when you read the questions above then you got to definitely continue reading.

Many leaders bring forth questions. But how many of them answer it through their actions? Or seek the solution alongside the public? A handful?

Once I had this math class where a teacher walked us through profit and loss percentage. He asked us a simple question. Well, might not be simple to some. “If the dress you love at the store has a discount of 10% and the market price is 2500. How much do you have to pay on purchase at the bill counter?” There were two hands up before I could do the math in my head. I was astounded. One asked, “Why do we want to know that, Sir? I pay what’s on the bill. The computer calculates the discount and prints it on the bill right?” The second one asked, “Why am I dealing with math in a language major course?”

The first question is about many things. The second is just reluctance and irrelevance which the society in general follows.

The first question is about dumbness, lethargy or even elite hood. To me the first reaction to the first question was, “Why can’t you learn how to apply discount dude?”

One, either the person is pure hater of math. Second, the person is lazy enough to do the math. Third and the most dangerous, the person questions the value of math. To a family that earns a monthly income of 25,000 it is definitely important to have discount because purchasing a dress they love with 10% off is disagreeable but getting a dress with 25% off will get them extra grocery. Only the person who enjoys a lavish lifestyle without realizing the value of penny saved in discount; a person of the elite society pushes away the question of discount math. The basic fact here is, learning about profit-loss is another life skill.

Coming back to the roots of the essay, questions are sometimes raised just for the sake of being raised. Sometimes stupid and most times to seek attention. However, true valor is not when you pose questions. It is when you seek the answers to it. Also, not all questions are appreciated.

Questions should intrigue the soul to seek something better. Questions should set the pursuit of unquenchable thirst in true knowledge. Questions should give rewarding answers in the path of life. Questions should start revolution and revival.  Questions should make way for change. And lastly, questioning against falsehood brings change. That is when miracles happen. So, what’s the question on your head right now?



  1. Questions were the reason for a change....well said👌🔥

  2. Questions were the reason for a change....well said👌🔥

  3. Very well said. Some people raise questions just for the sake of being contratian. While questioning everything is something we must do, a sense of purpose is also needed.

  4. Sweet let's wait for miracles to happen through questioning...

  5. The first question off the top of my head: how does one come up with an entire post on questions?! Thought provoking, to say the least.

  6. The only question which always stays in my head is "how can people always asks questions about our Salary, Pregnancy, and Marital status"? without any sense!

  7. Good initiative to questions....ppl love questions but they never find answers, instead they frame it up based on their more good question s Why are we framing answers????

  8. This thought is actually thinkable

  9. I must it's a sound topic to discuss upon.Kudos.AlsoAsking questions is art
    .However , not many ask the right question nor answer to the point. As we grow, our curiosity of aksing questions stop. Both of these are very unfortunate. Let's change this and participate in good questions and answers kind of a debate may be.


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